Monday, January 14, 2008

Let's be totally honest about cholesterol and fat!

OK, there is, and I mean this as an understatement, a PLETHORA of information in print and on the Internet that definitively proves beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly what dietary cholesterol and fat does for you. Case in point - my wife found this article in Men's Health. I have also read about it in The Untold Story of Milk (Dr. Ron Schmid), Weston A. Price Foundation articles, and more. Furthermore, there is quite convincing evidence and argument as to the motive for driving public belief in the direction of fearing these vital nutritional components.

So, here it is. I defy any doctor or nutritionist to prove (and I mean prove - give me actual scientific evidence) that lowering cholesterol and fat makes us healthier. I can definitely give counter experiential and anecdotal evidence. Furthermore, I call upon the multiple-thousand-year history of mankind as demonstration that fat and cholesterol in our diet are not only not harmful, but healthy and necessary to maintain good physical and mental health.

What is cholesterol? A vital substance used throughout the body for such functions as repairing the walls of blood vessels, and vital to brain health. In fact, artifically lowering the body's production of cholesterol through drugs may be linked to Alzheimer's disease, memory loss, dementia, and other issues.

Shocking? Read my links - I'd love for someone to prove me wrong - because that means all the billions of dollars a year America spends on those deadly Statin drugs are not wasted. Oh, did I say "deadly?" Perhaps you also need to look at Shane Ellison, M. Sc.