Monday, February 12, 2007

Welcome to Real Food

As an introduction to my new blog, I would like to set the stage by saying that I want this blog to both be a record of my journey of discovery about all aspects of food, as well as an interaction with people who are interested in a similar journey (and want to come along!). Over the past few years, I have been struggling with a list of issues, desires, and determinations:
  • What foods really are healthy, not just dictated to us as "healthy" by the powers that be?
  • How do we distinguish and expose myths?
  • Is our food supply really safe? As a matter of National Security, it seems to me that our food supply is a key critical component.
  • What are current food-related issues that need to be addressed, in our struggle as Americans to preserve our Constitutional rights and freedoms? In what ways are big business and government infringing upon those rights?
  • What can we do about improving our lives, including issues like: Public Food Policy, School Foods, Education, and more?
As those of you who know me realize, food is a passion. More than that, though, I fervently believe (from reading books, scientific studies, and more) that the foods you eat directly determine your health, more than any other single factor (including smoking). I have come to this conclusion after over 4 years of both reading, study, and experimentation.

So, if you too are concerned that you aren't eating right, but the USDA Food Pyramid just doesn't seem to be relevant to your life, join me on this quest to find out more!

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