Monday, March 16, 2009

More about cholesterol

Timely and topical. The Healthy Traditions Network recently had a Friday Night Live in Troy, Michigan in which guest speakers who are healthcare professionals warned of the lack of connection between cholesterol and cardiovascular disease - and the terrible side-effects of statins and other cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Has anyone had experience with that? I recently visited my cardiologist for a series of follow-up tests from 5 years ago. After 5 years I had gained 10 lbs (all within the last few months - I swear it's due to Lisa's pregnancy!), my LDL cholesterol levels were up (normally at low levels), and he mentioned I may want to get on cholsterol lowering program in the near future. I didn't get into it with him. I was sorely tempted, however, to buy him a copy of Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food".

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